Coaching: Prep & Catch
Price: $400
A discussion-based pregnancy/postpartum support service. For those who want both Classes: Birth Prep and Made to Move, Birth Plan Workshop & Concierge Postpartum Follow-up in a 1-on-1 setting.
During 2nd trimester, we meet 3 - 4x for 1.5 - 2 hours each. We complete two classes, create your visual birth plan, and process your conversations with medical providers. Within 3 weeks postpartum we arrange one 1 - 2 hour follow-up to decompress your birth and continue your care with local referrals and resources. We discuss how to help you meet your baby-feeding goals and find a healthy path to continue emotional and physical postpartum transition. Discover the new you as you add motherhood to your life!
BEST FOR: expecting parents, changes in birth place, anxiety relief
What our meetings cover:
*Bundles Concierge Services, Birth Prep Class: Pregnancy Decisions, and Workshop: Create Your Birth Plan.
*This service will not replace in-depth childbirth education or the proven benefits of a birth doula.
During 2nd trimester, we meet 3 - 4x for 1.5 - 2 hours each. We complete two classes, create your visual birth plan, and process your conversations with medical providers. Within 3 weeks postpartum we arrange one 1 - 2 hour follow-up to decompress your birth and continue your care with local referrals and resources. We discuss how to help you meet your baby-feeding goals and find a healthy path to continue emotional and physical postpartum transition. Discover the new you as you add motherhood to your life!
BEST FOR: expecting parents, changes in birth place, anxiety relief
What our meetings cover:
- Your pregnancy journey so far & relationship with your chosen support person(s)
- Your background, experiences, knowledge-base, and references for childbirth and postpartum
- Your particular pregnancy health and risk factors
- Your conversations with your medical care provider(s)
- Your preparation for childbirth and postpartum (any childbirth education or breastfeeding classes taken) -referrals provided
- Your feelings, preferences, plans, and decision-making confidence (Birth Prep Class: Pregnancy Decisions)
- Create Your Birth & Postpartum Plans (activities/worksheets)
- Activities and at-home assignments to give you decision-making confidence throughout
- Practice of basic comfort measures and labor scenarios
- Made to Breathe (movement class for labor)
- Follow-up: Process your birth, examine postpartum recovery, provide support to overcome challenges
- Individualized referrals for you prenatally and postpartum
*Bundles Concierge Services, Birth Prep Class: Pregnancy Decisions, and Workshop: Create Your Birth Plan.
*This service will not replace in-depth childbirth education or the proven benefits of a birth doula.